It's that time of year! The temperatures are starting to cool down, the leaves are changing colors, and Halloween is just around the corner. I'll be participating in The Whimsical Cottage's Countdown to Halloween this year, which should be fun. All you have to do is do something autumny or Halloweeny every day and talk about it on your blog!
Over the past week I've been doing my best to keep up with doing something every day. One of the first things I did was go out in my back yard to pick up some leaves and sit for a while. It was peaceful listening to all the evening sounds. Evenings like that make me glad that I chose to live in the older part of town instead of near campus where most of the other college students live. Much more peaceful by far. The leaves made a beautiful decoration for my apartment, too.
I also made another batch of bread. These loaves turned out much better than the first time I attempted to make bread. I've finally figured out my oven, so they came out perfectly golden brown with no burnt bits. It's heavenly to have fresh baked bread. In my opinion it's better than store bought and I get to be proud that I made it with my own two hands.
Then Monday my pagan group and I watched Practical Magic (one of my personal favorites). And today while walking to campus I played in the leaves along the sidewalk. I didn't care that it was next to a busy street and I'm supposed to be a mature college student, it was fun.
I'm hoping to get my hands on some craft supplies soon and get busy making some Halloween decorations. It's a little disappointing that I won't be able to make my grand decorating plans come to fruition, but I'll make do with what I can do.
That sounds like an amazing week so far and hey, sometimes even us 'mature grown ups' need to let loose and have some simple fun! :)