This is picture is from before Christmas when I was putting up Christmas lights in my apartment. Meridian hopped up in the chair while I was getting piece of tape, although her stealing my chair is not uncommon for her.
During Christmas break I spent several days at my parents while I got my wisdom teeth pulled and healed up a little bit from that, so Meridian had to come along for the stay. My family has 14 year old cat, who has been queen of the house for several years now, and a medium sized dog, both of which received a shock when I arrived home the night before my appointment. Our dog, Dessa, was a bit confused and flustered by the whole thing at first since there was a new animal in the house and she was kept on a leash for the first several hours. This also resulted in a hilarious "Mom, she's touching me!" moment that I wish I could have gotten on film. While Dessa was sitting next to my mom, Meridian stretched out on the floor next to her, sniffing and patting at Dessa's tail with her paws. When she did this Dessa scooted away from Meridian and gave my mom a very concerned/confused look. This happened several times in a row!
As for our 14 year old cat, Callie, she didn't take having a new cat in the house so well. Anytime Meridian got anywhere near her she would growl as loud as she could and even smacked Meridian in the face once when she got too close ( a very confusing event for Meridian). Unfortunately for Callie, being growled at didn't deter Meridian's curiosity at all. Her tail even ended up getting attacked a couple times when it was hanging over a chair arm. Apparently fluffy and moving equals a toy in Meridian's mind. Overall, Meridian caused quite a stir on her visit and enjoyed herself quite a bit.